When you save data to online storage, you can then download the data to another ps4™ system and continue playing the game. to use this feature, you must be a playstation®plus subscriber. you can also upload saved data from the home screen.. How to transfer ps4 saves - playstation 4: this page details how to transfer ps4 saves between devices. to initiate a transfer, do the following: 1. press the playstation button 2. select sett.... If you’re having problems with your playstation 4 and need to get it fixed—or need a replacement—you don’t need to lose your game save data. using cloud backups, you can upload all of your.
Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted. prefix (any thread) (any prefix) (no prefix) us trophy us semi save set multi-regional us platinum save us region complete save set us region: 100% save eu platinum save eu semi save set eu trophy eu region completed save set eu region: 100% save. Cara backup game dan data ps4 lainnya apakah anda pengguna playstation 4 ? game yang tersimpan di dalamnya tentu sangat penting sehingga kita tidak mau kehilangan..