Près d'un québécois sur cinq de 35 ans et moins dit ressentir de la détresse psychologique liée au travail selon l'institut de la statistique du québec.. Quebec was the only province to have fewer caregivers than canada overall, with 25% of quebecers indicating that they had provided care to an ill, disabled or aging family member or friend in the past 12 months.. Nicole jacob, rn. b sc.. ms uqo raa boston 2010 nurses of the province of quebec are practicing in a multi stressor work environment perhaps this explains why they are showing alarming symptoms.
Given how bad traffic can get, even the commute has become a source of stress: in 2015, a quebec study showed a link between traffic congestion, stress, and job burnout. . . . and family-related stress. Burnout, psychological distress, and overwork —viviers et al. 542 can j ophthalmol—vol. 43, no. 5, 2008 behavior and a commitment to the vocation of physicians.. There are different kinds of depressive mood disorders, including bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness), perinatal depression, but clinical depression, or major depression is the most common mood disorder..